How important is God’s Word?


Knowing God. As Christians most of us desire a “Closer Walk” with God yet do we make the habit of studying the Bible? Even those of us who read the Bible regularly, even cover to cover, may not comprehend the meanings and the valuable lessons it teaches us. The Bible is full of many timeless stories and parables that can have tremendous positive impact on our lives today. Within its pages contains the secret to having a happy fulfilling life. As Christians most go to church regularly and listen to the sermons looking to be taught about the Bible or just inspired by our Pastors message. There is certainly good that can come from attending, but as Christians is this enough to be able to really know God, to understand the meaning of the sacrifice of His Son?

As quoted from Paul;

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into as new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2 NLT

Paul in this letter warned about following selfish and corrupt patterns of this world, but this goes much deeper than behavior. As we study the Bible with sincerity we invite the Holy Spirit to guide us, educate, and redirect our minds and experience true transformation. If we are to live a close daily walk with God, setting aside time to read, pray and meditate is of great importance.

Paul is said to have written this epistle to the members of the Roman church in Corinth near the end of his third missionary journey, possibly between A.D. 55-56.

Christ refers directly to the importance of studying the Bible by what he told Satan while being tempted in the wilderness.

“But Jesus told him, “No, The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4 NLT

Continuing to study God’s Word, to know what the Bible says and truly means helps us to follow God’s desires for us in this life rather than the temptations of this world.  God does not need our prayers but He does wish for a true relationship with each of us.  If only to give 30 minutes a day to the study of His word, it can have a magnificent impact on our lives.  

I encourage you to set aside time each day to study God’s Word, our Holy Bible, if only one page at a time. In fact, one page at a time might be all the better, for each and every page carries a message in and of itself. I assure you that if you do with sincerity you will find new meaning in your life and the lives of those you love. At the end of the day, the teachings of Christ are about Love. Feed your mind, and feed your spirit.

Many have found that reading and studying the Bible is much more fulfilling using a Study Bible. A wonderful example of this is the “Life Application Study Bible” the New Living Translation (NLT) by Tindale. Within in each page is the interpretation of each verse as well as providing a description of each of the characters and the environment in which they lived and how it applies to our daily life.

May God bless you, keep you and make His face to shine upon you and make you whole!


Coming to the Cross